Thursday, December 20, 2007

Increased Funding

Dear Colleagues

Malaria has been underfunded for about 40 years. As a consequence many areas in the tropics continue to have high levels of malaria for all or part of the year.

But in the years since 2000, there has been a substantial increase in the funding available, and the idea of eliminating malaria in the foreseeable future is now, once again, on the table.

It is anticipated that there will be in excess of $1 billion disbursed in the fight against malaria in 2008.

But even though there is increased funding being promised, there are some serious questions about how much will be achieved. Though there is talk about performance metrics, it is apparent that most measurement presently being done relates merely to the activities being undertaken, and very little to the ultimate benefit.

If the funds are used badly, even though there is adequate funding, the results will unsatisfactory. This is not acceptable, and is the driving force behind Tr-Ac-Net's commitment to deploying a range of performance metrics to measure the cost effectiveness of malaria control interventions.


Peter Burgess
The Tr-Ac-Net Organization

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