Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Malaria Crisis

Dear Colleagues

Over the past few years, and thanks to a great extent to the work of Jeffrey Sachs, the malaria crisis in Africa has become quite well known. The phrase "3,000 children die in Africa every day from Malaria" has been repeated many times, and now appears frequently in the mainstream media.

If six Boeing 747 airliners full of children were to crash in a day's time, this would be a catastrophic event ... but the same number dying quietly from malaria passes unnoticed.

More children die every day from malaria than were killed in the USA as a result of the terrorist events of 9/11/2001.

But what is particularly concerning is that malaria ought not to be killing anyone.

This blog aims to address some of the issues around the present malaria situation, and the issues around the fund flows and activities being deployed to reduce the burden of malaria. It is written primarily by Peter Burgess of the Tr-Ac-Net community with the help of experts associated with the Integrated Malaria Management Consortium.


Peter Burgess
The Tr-Ac-Net Organization

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